The East India Club
The East India Club

4.5 out of 5.0 stars

Old-fashioned elegance but with many young members. Great atmosphere and service!

Full name: The East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools Club
Location: 16 St James’s Square, London SW1
Type: Social, former service club. Exclusive, non-commercial private members’ club
Formed: 1846
Membership requirements: Gentlemen only. Proposed and seconded by at least two current members who have known the candidate for at least two years. HMC leavers may join with only a letter from their headmaster, within 18 months of leaving.

Few names are more easily associated with old men smoking cigars and drinking gin & tonic in deep leather chairs than the East India Club. And how unjust that mental image would be. The East India Club is an amalgamation of many clubs, but the two that have had the most influence on its atmosphere are the merger with The Sports Club in 1938 and that with the Public Schools Club in 1972.

The former has meant that the club today is quite sport-focused, with a box at Ascot, seats at Twickenham, and regular participation in sporting events throughout the year. The latter has contributed the so-called J7 scheme, under which young men from selected boarding schools can join the club without the usual proposer and seconder, within 18 months of leaving their schools. All that is required is a letter from the headmaster. This has meant that, unlike many clubs, the East India has maintained a good inflow of young members.

The club was formed in 1846 as the East India United Service Club, primarily for higher-ranking civil employees of the East India Company and military officers who had served in India. As the East India Company started to lose its influence in India—finally being relieved of its remaining obligations and powers after the Indian Mutiny of 1857—the club naturally had to look elsewhere for new members.

The club is today officially called The East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools Club, though no one ever refers to it as anything other than The East India. The Devonshire Club (the old one, not the modern, commercial club in Devonshire Square, which proudly boasts “Sponsored by Veuve Clicquot” on its website) amalgamated with the East India Club in 1975, bringing with it a very healthy purse and a good deal of new members.

Its current clubhouse was acquired shortly after the formation of the club, in 1849. Originally two townhouses, they were joined into a single building by the renowned architect Adam Lee.

As you enter the clubhouse, you will find the splendid dining room on the left-hand side, the morning room on the right. The main bar, The American Bar, straight ahead past the grand staircase with the shields of all the public schools, is a great place for a quiet drink. The menu in the dining room is traditional British, with the exception of the curry of the day. After dinner, members can withdraw to the drawing room on the first floor.

All in all, this is one of the best clubs in the area. The Carlton and the National Liberal (whose members’ presence sometimes graces the East India during the weekends while their own club is closed) may be more exclusive, and White’s and Boodle’s are definitely more posh—but an evening at the East India, with London’s best G&Ts in the bar, followed by today’s curry and rounded off with tea into the late hours in the drawing room, is probably the most pleasant way to spend an evening in all of clubland.


  1. Dr. Albert Michel Clark
    May 20, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    I used to be a member of the Schools club many years ago, but my membership lapsed. Am I able to renew it without sponsorship? I am a retired UK physician from Westminster Hospital medical school. thank you.

    1. londonclubs Author
      May 20, 2021 at 3:21 pm

      I would drop them an email. Worst case scenario I am sure the committee will be able to introduce you to someone who can act as proposer and seconder, given that you used to be a member.

  2. Jennifer Elizabeth Leprince
    April 12, 2023 at 7:08 am

    My Step-grandfather William Nawton Maw, Indian Civil Service was a member of your club when the East India United Service Club existed. Could you confirm his membership dates please, he retired in 1928 from the ICS.
    Many thanks
    Jennifer Leprince.

    1. londonclubs Author
      April 12, 2023 at 10:26 am

      I’m afraid that, as a private website, we do not have access to this data. The East India Club’s secretary may be able to assist and can be contacted on

      Good luck with your search!

  3. Rick Stracqualursi
    August 18, 2023 at 9:51 pm

    My wife and I were fortunate in spending in excess of a week at the club in January, as I am a member of a reciprocal club. It was a wonderful stay, and the staff were very helpful to us. I wish I had discovered the place sooner.

  4. Tiger
    August 21, 2024 at 5:03 am

    I’m an old boy who left school in 2021 so I’m 21 now. Could I still apply under the J7 method? Thanks.

    1. londonclubs Author
      August 22, 2024 at 11:49 am

      As far as I know, you can join under the J7 rule up to the age of 24. should be able to confirm and assist.

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